It has been lot time of my previous post, but now I have some news, so I can write.. :)
The "death soldier" scene stopped to the ivies ause I were too lazy to model them all by myself.
But I knew that there is also the program called "an ivy generator".
Simply the program just "grows" some ivies on the model you choose and you can edit from the settings how they do it. Very fast and very easy. My problem of that was the materials. Because an ivy generator is not a blender plugin, it is intependent program. So you must set the materials by yourself in blender. Blender material settings can be very confusing for me kind of beginner...
Probably I would not ever figure how to do that material thing correctly by myself without this nice tutorial.
So here we go!
The first one ever:
The problem of that was in scaling. I did mess it somehow and now some times the ivies grow trough the marble, but i dont care because this scene was just test.
Second problem was that the leaves actually "fly" without sense around and are not connected with the wooden parts of the ivies. I dont know better solution for that than just make smaller leaves and ingrease the count of them so it looks better.
Here is the test with the Death soldier:
After that I realised that I can't do it with only one ivy. The ivy generator every time does the biggest mess in the place that you have been set as the beginning point. No matter what settings you are using. So if i wanna make the effect i want to, i need to set few ivies to the different places around the model.
The last test:
But still there is maybe too much stuff around my model. Actually in some views you cant even see the model trough the ivies...
So I still must play with the ivies lot of time.
I will show the results some day here when i have time to write again.